A new report from The Chicago Tribune claims many popular iPhone models exceed safe radiofrequency radiation limits.《芝加哥论坛报》的一篇新的报导认为,许多热门iPhone机型的射频电磁辐射都多达了安全性限值。A new report from The Chicago Tribune claims many popular iPhone models exceed safe radiofrequency radiation limits.《芝加哥论坛报》的一篇新的报导认为,许多热门iPhone机型的射频电磁辐射都多达了安全性限值。In fact, the report implies that Apple lied to federal regulators about the radiofrequency radiation emitted from a device like the iPhone 7.事实上,该报告似乎,苹果在iPhone 7等设备收到的射频电磁辐射问题上向联邦监管机构马利亚了谎。
According to the Tribune, which commissioned the testing at an accredited lab, the iPhone 7 measured double over the legal safety limit, with some data showing more than double what Apple reported to federal regulators.据《芝加哥论坛报》报导,其委托了一家经过证书的实验室展开了测试。测试表明,iPhone 7的电磁辐射结果是法律安全性标准的两倍之多,一些数据表明,实际测试值是苹果向联邦监管机构提供数据的两倍以上。In response to the Tribunes report, Apple released a short statement, saying that the companys devices are in compliance with guidelines set by regulators.针对《芝加哥论坛报》的报导,苹果公布了一份结尾声明展开对此,称该公司的设备合乎监管机构制订的准则。
All iPhone models, including iPhone 7, are fully certified by the FCC and in every other country where iPhone is sold, the statement said.该声明认为:“所有型号的iPhone,还包括iPhone 7,都是几乎由美国联邦通信委员会证书的,并且在所有其他销售iPhone的国家也是如此。”After careful review and subsequent validation of all iPhone models tested in the (Tribune) report, we confirmed we are in compliance and meet all applicable ... exposure guidelines and limits.“经过对《芝加哥论坛报》报导中牵涉到的所有iPhone手机展开仔细检查和先前测试检验后,我们证实我们的产品合乎所有限于的电磁辐射准则和容许。